Volume 29, 2019
29, 2019
Research Article Production, e20180071, 2019, Publication date January 21, 2019 Knowledge sharing in collaborative new product development: a study of grey box supplier involvement configuration
Matheus Kleber; Néstor Fabián Ayala; Marie-Anne Le Dain; Érico Marcon; Alejandro Germán Frank Production, e20180078, 2019, Publication date January 29, 2019 Assessment of shop floor layouts in the context of process plans with alternatives
Claudio Decker Junior; João Carlos Espíndola Ferreira; Elisa Henning; Carla Roberta Pereira Production, e20180111, 2019, Publication date June 19, 2019 Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics contents through PBL in an Industrial Engineering and Management first year program
Anabela Carvalho Alves;
Francisco Moreira;
Maria Alice Carvalho;
Sérgio Oliveira;
Maria Teresa Malheiro;
Irene Brito;
Celina Pinto Leão;
Senhorinha Teixeira Production, e20190044, 2019, Publication date July 24, 2019 Assessment of Lean implementation in Hotels’ supply chains
Guilherme Luz Tortorella;
Maria Victória Lins Lange Rosa;
Rodrigo Caiado;
Daniel Nascimento;
Rapinder Sawhney Production, e20190047, 2019, Publication date September 24, 2019 Green Supply Chain Practices: a comprehensive and theoretically multidimensional framework for categorization
Jairo José Assumpção; Lucila Maria de Souza Campos; Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour; Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour; Diego Alfonso Vazquez-Brust Production, e20190054, 2019, Publication date October 30, 2019 R&D spillovers from international student flows: a brics analysis
Matheus Dall’agnol; Diogo Ferraz; Naijela da Costa; Herick Fernando Moralles; Daisy Aparecida do Nascimento Rebelatto Production, e20180108, 2019, Publication date November 08, 2019 Organizational factors influencing project success: an assessment in the automotive industry
Izabela Andressa Machado dos Santos; Gladys Dorotea Cacsire Barriga; Daniel Jugend; Paulo Augusto Cauchick-Miguel Production, e20190004, 2019, Publication date November 27, 2019 Investigation of the Brazilian academic production in Ergonomics, from 1987 to 2017
Lia Buarque de Macedo Guimarães; José Luis Duarte Ribeiro; Rosimeire Sedrez Bitencourt; Itiro Iida Production, e20180087, 2019, Publication date August 12, 2019 Multi-criteria analysis of professional education on supply chain management
Claudemir Leif Tramarico;
Birsen Karpak;
Valerio Antonio Pamplona Salomon;
Camila Aparecida Maciel da Silveira;
Fernando Augusto Silva Marins
Systematic Review Production, e20180022, 2019, Publication date January 29, 2019 Composition-based view of the firm as a promising approach to studying small businesses
Shehnaz Tehseen;
Sadia Ahmed Mughal;
Susanne Durst;
Muhammad Shujahat;
Zuhaib Hassan Qureshi;
Panagiotis Kokkalis Production, e20180091, 2019, Publication date May 09, 2019 Falls from height: analysis of 114 cases
Tomi Zlatar;
Eliane Maria Gorga Lago;
Willames de Albuquerque Soares;
João dos Santos Baptista;
Béda Barkokébas Junior Production, e20190018, 2019, Publication date July 11, 2019 The landscape of open innovation in Brazil: An analysis of the recent literature
Aline Gabriela Ferrari; Janaina Aparecida Alves Scaliza; Daniel Jugend
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering Production, e20190078, 2019, Publication date November 27, 2019 Lean Mentorship: Fitting external support to entrepreneur needs over the startup development
Rafael Barbosa de Aguiar; Diego Souza Silva; Carla Schwengber ten Caten; Luiz Carlos Pinto Silva Filho
Thematic Section - Knowledge Management and Learning Organization: Academic Contributions Production, e20180084, 2019, Publication date July 02, 2019 Knowledge sharing in the automotive sector: a comparative study of chinese and brazilian firms
Jorge Muniz Jr.; Jacky Hong; Stefano Oliveira; Daniel Wintersberger; Silvio Popadiuk
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics Production, e20190065, 2019, Publication date September 17, 2019 Impact of the inclusion of variable CO2 cost in the distribution network design
Rodrigo de Castro Barros; Mauro Sampaio; Jobel Santos Correa Production, e20190067, 2019, Publication date November 08, 2019 The electric boat charging problem
Daniel Villa; Alejandro Montoya; Juan M. Ciro
Thematic Section - Operations Management & Social Good Production, e20190006, 2019, Publication date November 27, 2019 Medical centers location and specialists’ allocation: a healthcare planning case study
João Flávio de Freitas Almeida; Luiz Ricardo Pinto; Samuel Vieira Conceição; Francisco Carlos Cardoso de Campos Production, e20190062, 2019, Publication date August 12, 2019 System dynamics for social good
Paulo Gonçalves
Erratum Production, e20190137, 2019, Publication date November 27, 2019 ERRATUM Production, e20190005, 2019, Publication date April 02, 2019 ERRATUM