

Volume 34, 2024

34, 2024

Research Article
Industry 4.0 technologies and Lean Office: perspectives to Smart Office Alex Almeida dos Santos; Lucas Schmidt Goecks; Luísa Müller Pereira; Bruna Strapazzon do Couto; André Luis Korzenowski
Application of a framework for product-service systems characterization Fernanda Hänsch Beuren; Paulo Augusto Cauchick-Miguel; Eloiza Kohlbeck; Thayla Tavares Sousa-Zomer
Performance of a concurrent parallel production system through new operating curves of Six Sigma metrics Tomás José Fontalvo Herrera; Ana Gabriela Banquez Maturana; Katherin Mendoza Villero
Analysis of consumers purchase intention in commerce and services in the neighborhood and the Impact of Covid-19 Claudia Gomes de Aragão; Flavio Mangili Ferreira; Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Silva; Tiago Gomes de Aragão Belé
Developing dynamic supply chain resilience capabilities: a study of Irish firms' response to the COVID-19 pandemic Abubakar Ali; Ashraf Labib; Paulo Afonso; Amr Mahfouz
Analytic hierarchy process applied in the prioritization of third-party logistics providers in banking services Paulo Siqueira Testoni; Claudemir Leif Tramarico; Elias Carlos Aguirre Rodríguez; Fernando Augusto Silva Marins
A new tool for evaluating supply risk management Maria Silene Alexandre Leite; Fernanda Paes Arantes; Antonio Cezar Bornia; Liane Márcia Freitas e Silva; Kathyana Vanessa Diniz Santos; José Flavio Rique Júnior
Exploring Key Factors for Implementing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) within the Framework of Industry 4.0 for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Manufacturing Sector Caroline Gomes; Eduarda Busanello; Bruno Padilha; Laura Visintainer Lerman; Verônica Maurer Tabim
Lean Healthcare systematically applied to improve mobility accessibility in the medical clinic of a medium-sized hospital Samuel Martins Drei; Paulo Sérgio de Arruda Ignácio
Development of a diagnostic tool to measure the implementation level of Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) in textile companies Ana Julia Dal Forno; Raquel da Silva; Sigfrid Hornburg; Liane Kipper; Cintia Marangoni
A simulation-based optimization model for quality control in solid waste collection process Jean Paul Morán-Zabala; Jesus Alejandro Alzate-Grisales; Mario Alejandro Bravo-Ortiz; Mario Andrés Valencia-Diaz; Cristian Giovanny Gómez-Marín; Alejandra Maria Restrepo-Franco; Juan Miguel Cogollo-Flórez
Group decision model to support public managers in landfill site selection Elton César dos Santos Silva; Danielle Costa Morais
Simulating continuance and resilience: an agent-based model for nanostores operations Agatha Clarice da Silva-Ovando; Gonzalo Mejía; Christopher Mejía-Argueta; Daniela Granados Rivera; Dayana Nicol Yugar Quiroz; Mario Chong
A novel methodology to obtain optimal economic indicators based on the Argentinean production chain under uncertainty Federico Gabriel Camargo; Francisco Guido Rossomando; Daniel Ceferino Gandolfo; Esteban Antonio Sarroca; Omar Roberto Faure; Eduardo Andrés Pérez
Contributions of humanitarian operations for national security: a perspective of the Brazilian Armed Forces action in three cases Luiza Ribeiro Alves Cunha; Irineu de Brito Junior; Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida Yoshizaki; Tharcisio Cotta Fontainha
A conceptual framework for standardizing the "Deliver" process in the Mineral Supply Chain Upstream Segment Raúl Ignacio Castillo-Villagra; Klaus-Dieter Thoben
A framework for supporting warehouse design Lucas Eric da Silva; José Geraldo Vidal Vieira; João Eduardo Azevedo Ramos da Silva; Kaique Doratiotto; Gilberto Montibeller
New multivariate capacity indicators with Six Sigma metrics to assess service quality Tomás José Fontalvo Herrera; Ana Gabriela Banquez Maturana; Andrea Carolina Fontalvo Echávez
Maintenance strategy selection using bayesian networks Raúl Torres-Sainz; Leonardo Sánchez-Aguilera; Carlos Alberto Trinchet-Varela; Lidia María Pérez-Vallejo; Roberto Pérez-Rodríguez
Assessment and prioritisation of innovation project driven by enterprise strategy using a Fuzzy-QFD approach Matheus Henrique Kupka; Anderson Luis Szejka; Eduardo de Freitas Rocha Loures
Assessment of Critical Factors in home injuries Rodrigo Luz Santos; Adonias Magdiel Silva Ferreira; Cristiano Hora Fontes; Jorge Laureano Moya Rodríguez
Logistical challenges faced by Civil Defense in the 2023 São Sebastião disaster Raphael Sepulveda Barino; Viviane Cardoso Pereira Lira; Luiza Ribeiro Alves Cunha; Irineu de Brito Junior
Core components for a new era of electromobility using grounded theory: insights from Brazilian experts Sérgio Roberto Knorr Velho; Sanderson César Macedo Barbalho; Artur Santana Guedes Vanderlinde; Antônio Henrique Aguiar Almeida

Systematic Review
Life cycle sustainability assessment of the agri-food chain: empirical review and bibliometrics Camila Matos; Valderice Herth Junkes; Fernando Henrique Lermen; Ruane Fernandes de Magalhães; Gustavo de Souza Matias; José Luis Duarte Ribeiro; Giane Gonçalves Lenzi; Hugo Valadares Siqueira
Occupational risks of work in the agricultural sector: a systematic literature review Valderice Herth Junkes; Camila Matos; Gustavo de Souza Matias; Fernando Henrique Lermen; Riccardo Patriarca; Hugo Valadares Siqueira; Giane Gonçalves Lenzi
Unlocking breakthroughs in portfolio strategies for radical projects: a literature review Flavio Copola Azenha; André Leme Fleury
Competencies of the engineer in industry 4.0 context: a systematic literature review Walter Rosas Quintero; Julia Eleana Namuche Maldonado

Thematic Section - Industry 5.0: Human-centric production management (Social systems for future manufacturing)
The human resources and knowledge management integrated role in Industry 4.0/5.0: a Human-Centric Operations Management framework Vagner Batista Ribeiro; Davi Nakano; Jorge Muniz Jr.

Thematic Section - Digital Transformation of Supply Chain Management
Traceability in the agri-food supply chain: a new perspective under the Circular Economy approach Camila C. Kersten; Jaqueline Mastrocola Carneiro Kerber; Jailson dos Santos Silva; Marina Bouzon; Lucila Maria de Souza Campos


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